Explore the definition and origins of words related to Islam and Muslims in the context of media usage.
Academics and specialists across the world recognise that mainstream media reporting of Islam and Muslims is contributing to an atmosphere of rising hostility towards Muslims in Britain. Words used and misused in the media have real life consequences for British Muslims.
Following conversations with editors and journalists, CfMM has produced this Terminology Guide as a resource and hope it will be useful for newsrooms. We will keep adding terms to the glossary and welcome suggestions from you too.
Alison Phillips, the former Editor of The Mirror says, “As journalists we know more than most the power of language in shaping perception and shifting opinions. As such we have a huge responsibility to think about the language which has been used around the reporting of Islam, where we have fallen short and where we should be doing better.”
According to Gary Jones, Editor-in-Chief of The Express, “You can use language constructively or destructively, and undoubtedly Muslims in the past have suffered greatly from the latter. The media has a crucial role to play in ensuring the Muslim faith and community is portrayed fairly and accurately.”